Greetings Parent/Custodian,

We are  delighted that you have interest in applying for the Children's Defense Fund (CDF) Third Baptist Freedom School (TBFS). We have a lot of exciting activities for your child(ren) this summer! 
The Freedom School program is designed to help motivate scholars to read and to develop positive attitudes towards learning, while connecting you and your child(ren) to appropriate resources in the SF community. We believe that every child deserves a healthy start, a head start, a fair start, a safe start, and a moral start in life and successful passage to adulthood.  
There are five essential components to the CDF Freedom Schools program: 
  • high quality academic and character-building enrichment
  • parent and family involvement
  • civic engagement and social action
  • intergenerational servant leadership and leadership development 
  • civic engagement and social action
  • nutrition, health, and mental wellness
The overall theme for the CDF Freedom Schools program is "I Can Make a Difference!" 
As scholars enter the Third Baptist Freedom School's site at 8:00 a.m., they are greeted and served a nutritious breakfast by adults. After breakfast, with stomachs full, the scholars move on to "Harambee!" It's a time of informal sharing when scholars and staff come together to celebrate themselves and each other.
In the classrooms, where Servant Leader Interns facilitate classes of no more than 10 scholars, scholars are engaged in reading and theme-based hands-on activities as outlined in the Integrated Reading Curriculum. Servant Leader Interns lead the scholars in reading several multicultural and inclusive children's books throughout the summer. These books feature heroes, heroines, and settings that reflect the scholars' own cultural images and history.
As the morning draws to a close, the Drop Everything And Read (D.E.A.R.) time is announced and shared by everyone. To emphasize the importance and joy of reading, scholars and adults alike "drop everything and read" silently for 15 minutes.
Afterward, scholars participate in CDF Freedom Schools Afternoon Activities. These are well-planned music, dance, or other culturally enriching activities that are related to the themes presented in the Integrated Reading Curriculum. Field trips that expand scholars' horizons will also be included in the activities.
Guests from the community are invited to come and read to the scholars. The guest readers will be introduced to the scholars, including information about the guest's role in the community. The read-aloud time exposes scholars to the site library and to the favorite books of the guest reader. 
After participating in our Third Baptist Freedom School this summer, your scholar will be better equipped for success this coming year and beyond.
Complete an enrollment form for each child. If you are enrolling more than one child from the same family/household, complete a separate application on each scholar.  
Looking forward to serving your child(ren), 
Third Baptist Freedom School Leadership Team
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